New Jersey Tea comes from three wild varieties that were commonly used as drink plants:
- Ceanothus americànus L. – “New Jersey Tea”
- syn. Ceanothus intermedius Pursh
- var. intermedius (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray
- var. pitcheri Torr. & A. Gray
- syn. Ceanothus intermedius Pursh
- Ceanothus herbaceous Raf. – “Red Root”
- syn. Ceanothus ovatus auct. non Desf.
- syn. Ceanothus pubescens (Torr. & A. Gray ex S. Watson) Rydb. ex Small
- var. pubescens (Torr. & A. Gray ex S. Watson) Shinners
- Ceanothus coeruleus Lag. – “Azure Ceanothus”
- syn. Ceanothus azureus Ker Gawl.
These three plants were interbred over the past ~200 years to form the following hybrids:
- Ceanothus x delilianus Spach. = C. americanus + C. coeruleus
- syn. Ceanothus x delileanus Spach.
- ‘Gloire de Versailles’
- ‘Topaz’
- Ceanothus x pallidus Lindl. = C. x delileanus + C. herbaceous
- ‘Marie Simon’
- ‘Marie Bleu’
- ‘Roseus’