What do I do for a living?
I am tenure-track faculty at Raritan Valley Community College where I am the Program Coordinator for the Interface Design & Web Development (IDMX) program.
I translate Ancient Aramaic (the language of the Babylonian Empire, Jesus of Nazereth, and the Talmud) professionally for Aramaic Designs and AramaicNT.org as my day-to-day vocation, and do Aramaic language-related consulting and grant work (previously working on the CAL and the Mandaic Book of John) and various other hobbies on the side. I also keep track of Aramaic in the media and academia over at The Aramaic New Testament.
What are my hobbies & interests?
You can read more about what I’m up to under my “Current Research“ section.
Besides that I am a member of the Episcopal Church, and am fond of the old, folksy Anglo-Catholic traditions.
What’s my education?
In formal education, I have a BA in Information Technology and Informatics (aka. ITI; for those who aren’t familiar with the field, in my opinion it’s best summed up as “the sociology of human-computer interaction”), and I hold a Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from Rutgers University, a terminal degree in the field of Information Science.
My Facebook profile is here, which I update occasionally.